Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


i have been trying to change my blog skin for thw whole afternoon
in the end all i get was
HUH? WHAT? SO?? in my head

damn all of them man
cant you all juzt put it in simply english on how to change and why is it  not chnaging
so in the end
i am so frustrated that i just leave it the way it is
so anyone it will be a great pleasure if some one help
TO EXPLAIN i go now


Saturday, December 12, 2009


aftEr weEks oF suFferInG
slEeplEeS NighT
coUntLeSs suPpEr wHicH coSt mE thE gAin oF unEsSaRY WeiGhT
i aM fiNalLy baCK iN mY liTtlE WoRld
fOr oNe wHolE moNtH
thErE wilL bE nO wOrRieS
oR sO i Hope
thErE wilL bE nO laBoR
oR sO i ThiNk
thErE wilL bE nO stuDiNg
thAt's fOr SurE
sO i GuesS i Will Be hErE
PlaYiNg cOmpuTEr
anD whAtEvEr i cAn FinD tO Do
iF i aM nOt toO laZy tO acTualLy fInD soMethIng tO do

Thursday, November 26, 2009


On Monday, it is our last serving, and for applied tech, we will be doin cocktail based on the cocktail list. And i was assigned to making 2 cocktails, Dry Martini and Gin Fizz... i gooled it and watch on you-tube on how to make a nice one and this is how it turn out...=)

I was quite happy the way it turn out to be.. It is a mixture of dry gin and vermouth....=) the taste is superb but the gin taste is strong, and Mr.Alex say it was niceeee...=)


The second one was called Gin Fizz, its a mixture of gin, sugar powder, fresh lemon juice and carbonated water... thats where the fizz comes in...this one too was not bad and again i get Mr.Alex opinion which he again say it nice and refreshing...he say this drink is more to giving refreshing-ness to people....

The whole stretch of the cocktails made by us G2! ! ! ahahahahhaa, i finally get to try the Bloody Mary, and the tobassco taste is too strong make me feel like i am drinking catchup...ahahhahaha...., the Grasshopper was not bad, and Singapore Sling was my favourite... ooooh and MARGARITA! ! ! the drink of the day for me....superb man...ahahhaah..i drank a lot that day...ahahhhaa.but it was fun making it and tasting it...=) 

at least i get to know the feeling of being a bartender...=D

and and and the drink of the whole CLASS! ! Mr, Alex making of 'Rainbow'..this one is the best aming the best..presentation wise la since no one is allowed to drink that and no one dare to also i think...this is why, take a look for yourself

See the reason why?!?!!? do you guys see the flame coming out of the mouth of the shooter glass?!!?!?!? damn niceeeeeeee the presentation...=) loveee it but i dare not try, because i heard it have a burning sensation and that you will burn your throat...but i dont know what happen to it in the end. i think it is disposed off because the flame went off...ahaahhhaa....

after that was our serving class...the last one for the term...and in Les'coffier in Taylors College in this LCS builiding.....this is because we are moving to the new camous next year...=)

so this is it....

Wish everyone best of luck for the finals next week..=) and its been another great term with you guys....=D

hugs and kissess... 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

comment?!?! comment?? comment??

how to do? how to do? how to do?
lol, i am suppose to be doing my PSR report...
and here i am updating blog...
with my tin of biscuit on my lap...
alongside with a cup of tea..
and i think my biscuit 'lou feng' le...
not crispy anymore

how to do

haiz..goin back to do PSR

my lil sis birthday is today..
je suis going back this toi aussie..
so....SUSHI 2GETHER...=)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY happy always..


Thursday, November 19, 2009

My BaBy...=)

today was out paster presentation day!! and we as usual are the last minutes ones!! ahhahahaa, we are, okok I AM suppose to be at college at 8am to do the poster but as i said earlier, I AM the last minutes doer, did the law assignment until it was 3.30am, posted in her digital dropboz already!! okok this is not the main point....i am just finiding my starting..ahhaa...

aniways, we finally manage to do our poster and it was magnifique!! hahahhaa....

this is also not the main point!! i finally remember to bring my warrantee card with me so i went to Sunway Pyramid to fix my little baby phone....

this is where i am not really happy about!! the staff in sony ericsson is very the lan si looooorrrr.. can talk on the phone when dealing with you de worrrrr.... can use the computer when explaining what is happening to your phone de worrrr...

suan liao la...u fix my phone and better be nice then ok it was SOFTWARE problem, and it had to be reformat so they told me to come back after an nothing to do in Sunway so i just sit in popoye abd order a fries and a drink,( and it already cost me like RM 5.30) and i stay there till time is up( but still cant figure out the questions in finance!!!!pek chek)

so in the end after reformatting, my phone all memory GONE! ! ! haiz and  my cute lil pics i did not back up looo......suan!!!!!!!!! but then, my cute little baby was me was ok!! ahahhahaha....

and my little baby will reach 1 year old soon...=)a few more daysssss only!!!! ahahaahahhaa...


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

*ah Cho0*...*snift snift*

show you guys something

Disgusting right?!?!?!
and thats like only for the pass few hour
and the stack is getting higher and higher
bigger and bigger every second i am typing this..
hahahaha, been getting the flu since evening
i am sneezing the whole time...
now a little better already...
AFTER i ate the orange i found in the fridge...
but then stillsneezing....
dont even know what set it off...
haiz, this thing had better be gone before i wake up tomorrow...
i hate my eyes are swollen! !
AND RED! ! !
my god! ! ! !

with love ( and bacteria)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

2nd MedAL

today was the day...the day of the competition....NET BALL COMPETITION! ! ! the match is suppose to start at 9am, in Bukit Jalil Golf and Country i put my alarm at 6.30am but if you know me...i only wake up at like 20minutes later...ahaha, but still dint late for the assembly lo...=)

then we thought that we will be having two busses to fetch us to the place, but guess what, the architechture student was also having a field trip so the bus was for good la, the conclusion is we MISS THE BUS! ! !ahaha, in the end me, chung leng, eunice and this new friend (well, cant say new because i know him before this but only today i knew his name,haha) zi wen, i think thats his name if i am not mistaken..hahaha took a taxi there which cost us RM15 per trip.

then, adele dont know what happen to her she go and tell the taxi driver the place is at this place called Bandar turn out its the bus driver's fault and cause us to mistaken the place, stupid right! ! !

But in the end we reach there safe and sound...after registration, the game started at 10am...we are the first group to play, against SABD, architechture student... we won by 12-2...HAHAAHAHAHAH...damn happy but the game got really challenging, we score 8-3 to the staff team and 3-3 to the SOC team (communication)...but at last we win as our score of goal is higher then SOC (we=23, SOC=15) yup..=D

WE WON IN THE END! ! ! ! and the prize is.....


Notice the words on says there :'NETBALL CHAMPION! ! ! !

So in total, i have 2medals....the first one is i participated in footsal last year....and this year is net ball i DID NOT come to college for nothing...ahahahaha....

so my resume will be a little nicer because i have cocurriculum activities..=) so boys and girls, go out there and kick some butt darlingsssss.....=) because i have damn lots of fun during the game although i was hit on the face during one of the game....

all in all...GOOD GAME GURLS! ! ! we rock! ! ! =) other pictures are with Jasmine...will take from her...=)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sp0RtS! ! ! !

i sign up for net ball the other day for the competition going to be held on saturday..and we went for practice just now....

although i dont know a thing about the game but after the long explaination and Q and A session, i finally get a grasp on this net ball thing..aaahahaa...

we practice at mentari block G court there and first...we do warm up, which is ran round the badminton and basketball court for 15rounds....i was like what the hell...i dont ran that much and you want me ran 15rounds....barely the 4th round i was already breathless! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !took a lot of short cuts! ! ! !hahaha...but in the end finish the whole 15rounds.....then we continue with the rest of the warming up and learn all the rules and the steps and techique of playing net ball...

tiff, me, heng, jasmine, carmen, eunice, and other that we dont know play together and damn it was fun....i get to sweat and it feel good....need the exercise also....

so it was a good thing that tiff talk me into participating...=) so i hope everything goes well on saturday.....wish me luck everyone..=D

With love ~LISA~
=D =P

Monday, October 5, 2009


What a day...have not been updating my blog this few weeks.....damn lazy lo because i am currently going to ran out of topic...hahahaa.....

so...i have started my college last week...the lecturer as usual not letting us go and gave us assignment....only the first week and we already have tons of assignment..some more we have this food promotion event going on, which will fall on the end of october.....

had kitchen class just now and i had fun....miss this type of our working much fun...hahaa..=) dont know what will happen after we all graduated, we will all go seperated enjoy the moment we are having now...=D

sleepy so will be going off soon....=P
Love ~LISA~

Monday, September 21, 2009


i seriously need help
i am so damn bored that i can just ROT
some more now is hari raya and the stupid shopping mall is closed
have you ever heard that a shopping mall close before just because it's raya time
they din't seem to close during deepavali or chinese new year
so make me no mood want to go out already

Monday, September 14, 2009


♥ 個 人 題 - 10 題 ♥
忆琪, 不要说我没有理你的点名哦...
01 你叫什么 :~ Lisa Rekha
02你的綽號 :~莎莎,Lily, Sally, Lizzy..=P
03你的血型 :erm,没验过..
04 你的星座 :双鱼座
05 你是男還是女 :~女的
06 你幾歲 :~ 19
07 你住哪裡 :~马六甲
08 你現在的學校 :~华语就不懂,英文是 Taylor School Of Hospitality And  

09 你有沒有手機 :~费问题..
10 承上,那是多少 :~??什么意思?

♥ 朋 友 題 - 10 題 ♥
11 你最要好的朋友(限1個):~何止一个!
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):~...

♥ 情 題 - 10 題 ♥
21 你有沒有喜欢的人:~没有
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:~没有
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:~没有
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:~ 没有
27 現在有另一半吗:~ 没有
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样:~ er..先跑掉,再来想...
29 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗 :~haiz,很累叻这样回答..
30 你为什么会喜欢你現在喜欢的人:~...
31 你和另一半牵手过吗:~哇,懒惰重复了
32 你和另一半抱或亲过吗:~忆琪, 我还真有点后悔做这个...
33 你跟异性牵手过吗:~正常人应该都有过啦
34 他是谁,你们什么关系:~我爸,可以吗?真是38,:P
35 现在有人在追你吗:~没有..

♥ 混 合 題 - 10 題 ♥
36 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会怎样 :~我会很很很伤心。。哭得肝肠寸断!朋友对我来说太重要了
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会 :~一刀两断..
38 如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧,你会:~ 喜新厌旧啊。。嗯,没关系啊,让他去好了,然后自己再找一个,哈哈!
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会離家出走吗:~ IMPOSSIBLE k。。。
40 你上课認真吗 :~有时侯...=)
41 你功課好不好:~OKAY啊!
42 你开电脑都在干嘛 :~ msn chatting, blogging, checking mails,facebook
43 你的即时通有多少个同性:~什么是即时通'?
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:~ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

♥ 兇 手 題 - 10 題 ♥
45 传給你这份问卷的人是谁:~ 忆琪啊...忆琪
46 这個人對你好不好:~做这个的时侯我开始怀疑了..=(
47 這個人是你的誰:~ 中学好朋友..=)
48 你有喜欢过這個人吗:~不喜欢怎么做朋友叻
49 你们认识多久了:~两年++
50 這個人是怎样的人:~可爱透了..
51 这个人正/帥吗:~都说可爱咯..
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过:~好怀念中学的日子..=(
53 万一你喜欢這個人,你会怎么办:~er..

♥ 聯 想 題 - 10 題 ♥
56 說到正妹你会想到谁:~erm...
57 說到帥哥你会想到谁:~ 王力宏、jay,
58 說到憨你会想到谁:~ =.=???
59 說到痴你会想到谁:~ andrew yip...hahahaahaa
60 說到暗恋你会想到谁:~ 人~~~~~
61 說到出去玩你会想到谁:~ 全部人..哈哈哈
62 說到聪明鬼你会想到谁:~ 大概是想到自己先吧..哈哈哈
63 說到傻子你会想到谁:~erm...
64 說到笑点低你会想到谁:~ erm...为什么问题都这么奇怪=(
65 說到愛笑你会想到谁:~ ..

♥ 學 校 題 - 11 題 ♥
66 你的班导是谁:~ 不知道
67 你的座位是第几排第几个:~ 到处都是..=D
68 你最喜欢的老師是谁:~ 现在应该是大学老师吧..
70 你的英文好吗 :~ very the good...
71 你的体育好吗:~ erm...就有动啦..
72 你的数学好么:~ 也还好吧..
73 你喜不喜欢你的校长:~ 不认识呐..
74 你的学校好看吗:~学校可以美到那里呢请问..不过蛮好看的啦..
75 你的班級是:~ erm..从小学开始吗??算了..不讲啦..
76 你的班級在几楼:~ 到处啊..

walao eh...长到...aiyo, soh, please no more this..i do untill i go crazy oh...@.@

填后感:~ 有点长叻,很爱睡

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wat tO d0! ! ! ! ! ! !

i finally am back to malacca...
but then..
am BORED here! ! !
everytime i am back i do nothing but eat, sleep, watct tv....
thats all....
some more my hand s so damn itchy and wants to drive the car...
but then i dont have a destination....
and the MONEY! ! ! ! !
so just laze around the house! !
but then i miss korean dramas.
anyone can recommend??
bored till like that...
can anyone givw any suggestion! ! ! !

Thursday, September 3, 2009


its been so long since i updated my blog...
nothing much happen this few days...
but i did something wrong yesterday...
i was teaching a fellow trainee friend how to use the micros system when i myself suddenly stuck,
so i call upon another who is very familar with the system to help..
she thought that was a real purchase so she press 'print check'...
so in the end the person in charge of the shop was scolded i think by the supervisor..
so i feel bad....
because i am incharge of looking after the shop when the seniors are away...
instead i create a scene which proves more to the senior that trainees are useless...
i-give-you-a-shop-to-take-care-and-you-print-out-a-false-check kinda senario...
haiz....and i was feeling so sorry....
but overall....
FO kinda is fun because you get to see all kinds if guests..
all come to the front desk...
so you can see how they handle all this kind of stuff..

today i will be doing midmight shift...
kinda excited... have to go for now...
i see you after this as this will be the last day of my training...
HUHUHHUH...cant wait....=)
till the next post
with love ~LISA~

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SicK! ! !

been sick last few days....
lol....went to see doctor and he says i have throat infection..
tell me to rest and wait..if the fever has not subside then have to go back and see him..
so MC a day and slept the whole day..
get well ady =D

this few days people tend to get sick easily..
even some of the trainees are taking MC..
and the permanent staff also..
lots of them are getting sick...
so scary..this H1N1 thing is getting worse as more and more people died of this disease..
so everyone must know how to take care of themself..
drink lots if water and wash your hands more often..

till the next post
with love ~LISA~

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


went to KFC to online...
AGIAN! ! !
hahaha.....then i bought this ice-cream....

its vanila ice-cream on the top....waffel on the centre and chocolate flavour on the bottom...
how co0l is that huh?!?!
*yum* *yum*
haha....okok,still in housekeeping...*borinG! ! *
did linen roon today....
so basicly was giving out uniform's and hanging uniform's all day round...
hahhaa....then halfway they wanted me to go to all the floor's to bring the pest control guy to disinfect the rooms which are not yet completed...
but today overall okla....
till the next post
with love ~ LISA ~

Saturday, July 25, 2009

hmmm.. all i can say for this period....
so damn busy...
doing bed like crazy....
so many check out rooms...
yet i oni like turn down service..=D least i can rule out 1posibility when i choose my path later...
*ahem* *ahem*.....
but check this out....
i saw this post stick to the television of a guest room....
so damn cute man...

in the end me and the kakak got 5aussie from the women...
but then i din't get my part because the stupid supervisor take me away and send me to other place to help......=(
i change to the amenity center alrady...
not in rooms..
but then..
haiz...still as tired as before....
because the whole 1- 8 floor is our floor and we have to send the fruit basket to all the guest rooms...some more its garden wing..
where all the guests normally are...
which have the occupancy of 90%! ! ! !
haiz....just 1 more week to go...
then i am all done....
till the next post
woth love ~ LISA ~
=D =) =P

Saturday, July 18, 2009

another week have pass....
time really passess fast man....
HK is like always....
feel kinda boring already..
the housekeeper either REALLY like doing it or they are just plain CRAZY...
i cant stand doing it for a few weeks and they had been doing this for years! ! !
imagine that...
and i feel like eating chocolates now...
always my favourite....=)
and guess what?!?! my computer is kinda...erm...spoil?!?!
hmm...oooh, i think faulty is the word....ya...faulty
don't know how to discribe it as but this is the situation...
my touch can be use to move the cursor but cant click....can't even scroll...
go to the setting already but nothing wrong with the setting... move halfway but have to use the button to press...
so ma fan...@.@

with love ~ LISA ~=D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

resULT iS ouT.....

OMG ! ! !OMG! ! ! OMG! !
result is out...hahahahah...
go n check it out folks...

with love ~LISA ~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

t!me.....a thing so SMALL but giv a BIG impact on life...

i have been online more and more this few days because i really feel bored staying at home after my shift...luckly ryan broughr some dvd to watch so i can borrow from him but then everyday watch dvd only meh?!?!?!!
life is too short to be wasting in this kind of things...hahaahah......i mean once in a while can la..
and then i realize this thing...that all my life i have been waiting....
if i sum up all the extra time i have been waiting for either something or can actually come up to one year...*maybe yes maybe not, just trying to emphasize on the thing only*hahah...
i want to pass my time nicely....sometimes i feel i don't have enough time to do the things i want to do and feel like just take and keep the extra time i am wasting and preserve it for next time usage...but then its impossible....haiz....

till the next post
woth love ~ LISA ~ =D

Thursday, July 9, 2009


hehehe....just a short brief stop by here because wanted to online... and yesterday got an orientation....
but kinda weird la...
i mean after 2weeks only then they give us orientation.. the training manager gives a talk about the hotel...
then a few more people to talk about the fire safety....environmntal thingy..
haha...but then i fell asleep through out some of the talk....hahaaha...
sorry la...morning morning want me to listen to all this stuff meh...
but the most IMPORTANT thing is that i get to VIDEO CALL tiffany...
its like finally get to see you my dear..ahahaha...
glad to see you are enjoying yourself there...

ok...need to go now....
update you guys next time=)
till the next post
with love ~LISA~ =D

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2nd weEk in HK

its the second week in the housekeeping and i am starting to dislike it....its so damn tired...I AM tired of cleaning the rooms....especially the arab guests rooms....thay are like the DIRTIEST person i have every seen in my whole entire life man...tissues everywhere....
they are like practically stuffing everything into everywhere....and i get back the same room everyday....and i have to clean it everyday....its sooooo freaking disgusting man....cant stand them ah..

some more there is this arab guests who come with the family...husband and wife and the maid and the daughters and brothers and sisters i think.....husband and wife in the most expensive suite in rasa sayang...then the daughters one room, the maid in other room, and the other 2rooms i don't know whose staying it in....its like the arab guest booked 5rooms...the suite already costs RM 10, the other is like so freaking rich and he looks like a 20++ guy.... haiz..his daughters rooms is like the worst of all man....

and now they let me do the bed already....tired like hell....

OMG OMG OMG! ! ! ! i did something unimaginable...hahaha, i forgotten to bring my extentin to kfc to online so i deceded to walk back but then i don't want to bring my laptop in and out so when this guy talk to me i asked him to take care it for me while i walked home and bring it...haha...

i said i was a malay and come from kl...haha, he say he from then he ask me for my number and when will i go back kl but i say will be here long like 6months and din't give him the nunber...haha, luckly...he also asked for my bussiness card and i was like what the i look that old! ! ! ! ! !

but then whatever....i suddenly think that what if he just walk away with my laptop??haha....i am SOOOO out of my mind...hahah...mum is soooo gonna kill me...hahaha...

anyways....back to the main point...i STILL HATE housekeeping...ahhahahha....and my hands are getting dry =( and i din't tought of bringing my lotion with me....=(....haiz...few more weeks in HK...=( =( =(

till the next post
with love ~ LISA ~ =D


Friday, July 3, 2009

0fF dAy...=)

today is my off day.....woke up at 11.45am...hahahahaha.....clean up the house and my room then go wash my clothes then go watch tv...the stupid tv don't know what happen to halfway the show, some more the show is like climax juzt went blank....i press everything and it won't come back to i pack my bags and went to KFC to eat lunch here lo....hahha....=)

my burger wrapper i throw ady...hahaha....

now got a lot of people already but i on feel like going away....i so long haven't online already....some more i can only online once a week....on my off day....some more got 2boys snatch with me....thay used the plug upstairs so i cant get to us it....only can use the one downstairs...haiz.....stupid boys....cant they go abck their house and online....they look like form1 small kids..hahaha....and i m just a few seconds late man...haiz....must be quick next time...haha...
and they also haven't finish online because i din't see them going away..ahahaha.....

BORING la....nothing to do here...just can online only......some more once a week only....every night after work also can't do anything....there is nothing much on tv and there is only 1, tv2, tv3...haiz...

didn't bring my umbrella to kfc...hope it won't rain...hahaha...okla...

till the next post, this is for now....=)
wif love ~LISA ~=D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


started training on monday....went there at 8 something but in the end its a little too early so waited outside till little stranded kids...

cant on9 at home sooooo went to cc.....
its the only way to see what happen around us..ok around ME....hahha....

went to housekeeping for this time's training and quite fun la ahahhaa.....the bedmaking part was fun....tiring also...hhahaha...but then starting to loss interest in it ady,hahaha.....just looking forward to the evening shift only...must remember to go to see the person in charge to change my shift to evening...hehehe..

okok....i NEED to go now...its 10.37pm and i need to go to work some more tomorrow...will be 9am all the way....oooohhh and guess off day will be on tuesday...haiz.....but never mind.....ahahahaha.....=)

till then again ~LISA =D


this blog is 4u.....TIFF=D

go france and enjoy the place there....
i started missing you long before you are off to france.....
haiz....just FASTER come back,ok...
with love ~ LISA =P

Monday, June 22, 2009

sUnw@y LAgo0nnnnnnn

OMG! ! ! we went sunway lagoon....haha.....v paln to go to genting after this exam as in all of our group's member but then due to the trainig stuff, everybody is busy so we change our plan and go to sunway lagoon....hehehe....

so after much disscussion and planing(exagerating)haha.....only 11 of us, tiff, ejinn, olivia, wan, adib, billy, bill, izhaan, justin and aiman.....

billy wake up call me at 9.30am because we all agree on going there on the end i went back to sleep and only reached there with the rest of the team at 11.30 or 12....hahaha...sorry oli and bill for waiting there so long for us...haha...

after that...the grand goin in...hahaha...

the 11 of us........actually 9of us only la....izhaan and justin was alittle bit late so we went in first...=)

we went to play dr land first and the game is like SUPERB man....hahhaah.....
roller coaster, and all.....let just let the pictures do the talking, shall we...=P

haha...this was fun...but can only sit 2people at and olivia sat in it together...=)

this is is the spinning rest went for the tomahack thing where it will go 360 turn in the and oli dare not go up there so we went fot this instead...
in the head was spinning like crazy..hhaha...

the three waiting for our turn...

sexyyyy billy....hahah...

this is the first one after they come the second one....

the tomahack....this is the SECOND one they sit right after the other tomahack...
GENG ah u in the end..this is how they look...


see hoe adib look like...

tiffy n jinn......hhahhahhaa......

then we went to this roller coaster thingy.....scream my lungs out....hahhahaha......

we din't take any pictures when we are in the wet part.....and this is the only group pictures we manage to take for that day....=)


after that we went and eat dinner near forget the name already...but who cares....just as long we went dinner together then its ok already....ahahahahahah....

haiz....then everyone went their seperated ways.....we won't be seeing each other for the next 3months because if the training......starting to missssssssss you guys already man.....
some more tiff going to france.....WILL DEFINITELY MIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ EVERYONE!!

till the next post.....with love~ LISA =)

baCk aT h0mE

Finally....i at back at malacca....haha...kinda scary ah....this is the first time i went back ALONE! ! ! usually i go back with my sister but this time her holiday is one week earlier than me so she went back first...

some more i go straight to penang for my training so i have to pack the end use up big luggage for my clothes, one small one for my ohter stuff, the third bag for the extra stuff.....ahahaha...the last one is my precious laptop......=)

so here i am....walking to the ktm station with bags loaded on every make matter worst, its going to rain, so i went out the house at a friend there so luckly won't be that boring....we went seperated ways after we reached kl central.....reached pudu by lrt and hurry to buy the earliest ticket so i don't have to wait long...but can't find kkkl so i use transnational instead....hahahaa.....

but reached malacca safe and sound and the rain oni started after i boarded the bus......doesn't GOD treat me well...hahahahaha...=)

have been eating since i went back.....DURIANSSSSSSSS is the GURL favourite....hahhaah....been eating it for the past few days...huhuhhhu.....

and then......guess baby=EUNICE come and see me....hahaha...went out with her to watch movie......night at the museum2...hahaha....stupid but NICE show....aahahhahaha.....

ooh and thanks for the night out baby....had fun thought....=) will definitely miiiiiizzzzzzzzz u guys man....

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sleep DepRive

Been sleeping lAte this feWS days.....because of the feel so sleepy but don't want to sleep...later sleep earlier as in tonight....hahaha....

wednesday got sales and marketing test some more.....stress la, don't know if i can score this paper or not lo...haiz....but still will try my best...hahaha...

haiz....tomorrow be commis for the restaurant service for the term6 student finals...lazy la.....must wake up early tomorrow to study first before going to the restaurany commis...hahah...

untill then.....good luck in S n M....hhaha...

with love ~ LISA =D

Saturday, June 13, 2009

ExaM! ! ! !

EXAM STARTED! ! ! ! !'s paper was ENGLISH and FRENCH....

lol....luckly can do ah i tell you the french.....the verbs and the essay...but comprehension, numbers and nationality a little bit hard.....ahhahahaah...and some more the english okla....

they gave the essay question untill so "chun" ah....all keep writing untill the last minute baru pass up the paper..hahah....was a little blur when doing the essay so i was kinda staring at the paper 4 lke a few minutes....ahahah...

after that we went to SS15 to have our lunch at MACD....ahahah...
I GOT 2 DRIVE.....hahahahah..yeah!!!!!!! ahahahahahaha....and my parking skill is IMPROVING MAN! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ahahahahahahah.....................

okla.....enough....want to sleep already....=P

with love ~ LISA =D


so this is hw heartbroken feels like! ! ! ! !
it's bleeding like hell man! ! ! ! !
everytime i see you....
my heart bleeds...

Monday, June 8, 2009

lAst Serv!nG ! ! ! !! !

today was our last serving class....
n i got to do falmbee.......YEAH! ! ! ! !
it was F-U-N man.....
the flame was there.....the heat was there.....even the aftermath was there....(mr.alex kena burn by the fire made by me....a few strands of his hand hair was burn! ! ! ! ! !aahahahah....sorry mr.alex....
to0k a few pictures for our serving....
hahahah...but kat haven't pass us the photo so you guys have to wait.....
for extra infomation, please visit
then after that we went out yamcha with wan adib they all....
n i DROVE the MOST ANTHIC CAR you can ever find in the whole wide world man...
even the oldest car lost to this...
ahahahahah....i was like where is the handbreak?!?! where is the headlights?!?!
guess wat?!?! the handbreak is like a many steps just to release the damn thing....
everyone in the mamak was lo0king at the car....
okok,the driver....hahah,thinking y is she sooooooo.....hahahah...
but then....its like soo co0l...hahhahaha....
even the seat adjuster is sooooo unique....haahahha...
if i got the time....i sure will go and explore first then i start driving....

Sunday, June 7, 2009


its 3am in the morning...
okok, to be exact....
it's 3.22am....
and see what m i doing...
haiz...this few days...
dono why...
i don have the mood!!!!!
it's like SO MANY drama's....
and nothing is about ME! ! ! ! !
sad case...
sometimes when i am alone....
it make me just wonder.....
do people know i exist?!?!?!?!
okok....i emo-ing now....
for practically no reason at all..
hahahaha....ignore me...
at tiff place now..
juz finish my econs assignment...
m going to STUDY....
finals is like NEXT saturday...
and one thing i can say is that...
i DON'T LIKE sleeping alone....
miss the days where there is someone beside me when i am asleep....
haiz.....MISS mum...
and younger sis....
how long i haven't seen u....lil sis....
okok...better sleep now or i can't wake up tomorrow...
it's my last serving if the term tomorrow....
wish me luck...
with love ~ LISA =D

Friday, June 5, 2009

today only got one class.....only ONE FREAKING HOUR....
so lazy to get up for class la

after that one hour class, went for brunch aith adib, tiff and izhaan at the mamak there.....hahaha....ate the nasi lemak goreng....nice wei....spicy some more....chi ji! ! ! !hahah....

then went up to library and study cost and accounting...taught tiff and adib....good that he is a fast learner....hahahaha....

after studying, me izhaan and adib was like chatting about practically everything...hahaha....we even talk about the first day of college and everything....

lol...waited for hariz to call but then he din't so went to yamcha with adib and least i studied cost and accouting already....haiz,should have guess that hariz will FFK me.....want me to teach and yet din't say anything, not even a message....luckly adib and izhaan is there to accompany me althought that is not their main purpose....hahahaha....

watching scary movie4 now at is so ridiculous man....the "ghosts" are scary but then you don't feel scared because you only feel in "sweat"

okla,want to continue with the tv show...=)

with love ~ LISA =D

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


hehe.....dono i damn happy lo...
with lov~lisa =D

Monday, June 1, 2009

tR@iniNg @ rAsA sAyanG COMFIRM! ! ! ! !

Yeah...that rasa sayang FINALLY confirm us at their place relief man....luckly i change the place last minute....hehe...=) so me gamei n yea sun is goin v plan to go penang this weekend to find for our accomodation....

Ashwin was officially suspended from term 4 boy our group2 is less one member the famous little 'kings' in our group (namely wan,ash,adip n billy) is short of one people....haiz....sure;y we will miss your voice ash..ahahhahahaha...................

we had our last kitchen class for term4 today and as usual it went well.....to0k a group photo (finally....i mean our group never take a group photo before lo, now with ashwin term don't even know who will be leaving), really going to take the photo from so0k hui man...hahahhaa......

tired! ! ! ! goinh to sleep so0n also.....nite nite everybody! ! ! ! =P
With love~LISA =D

Thursday, May 28, 2009

oo0opssss....i overslept alarm din't go off at 7.30am because i found out that t forget to on the

then at 9, gamei message me and i was like wth...hahaha.....quickly ran and get ready, and it oni to0k 10minutes...hahahha.....

reach coll around 9.20 something like that and it was all because of the stupid damn slow 3 of it but i don't see the use of it.....

haha....chung bought duck from canton-i and he co0k tom yam fried rice for me and celes...but unfortunately the vegetable fell off the stove (some how it did) when tai lou and me was searching for the corn flour on the other side of the
haha,never mind,we still have the rice and the duck.....=)

there wont be anymore assesment for the week so will relax a little bit for the day.....must start working for finals already which is 2weeks away....

With love ~ LISA =D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

caN aNydAy bE anYmoR3 bOrinG! ! ! ! ! ! !

BorInG! ! ! ! ! Can anyday be anymore boring! ! ! ! saturday must go back to college to have replacement class some more.....haiz.....luckly the class only starts at 11am..but den only untill 12pm then 4pm got one more class.....the lecturer don't want to change the time some more oh....

so go back home again with tiff to wait for the time to pass....haiz.....co0k spagetti for lunch because need to save money...ahahahah....went to buy carrots and tomatoes...

then we start cooking.....haha....turn out not bad oh...ahahahahaha......

nothing to do so watch tv....long time haven watch bollywood movie so la.....but then both tv2 and tv3 de bollywo0d movie watch before already.....haiz...

weather is so damn hot...

and i suddenly notice....i am COMPLAINING the whole way....ahahahahaha.....

boring....8tv cant be watch.....
haiz....whatever la.... =)

with love~ lisa =P

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Heh3..check iT 0ut...

0k,this is the video about my performance on thursday.....a little cacat la because i don't know why, there is no sound coming out from the video....

maybe it's just too soft to be videotaped....hheheeh.....enjoy! ! !

It's eileen, mag, ME, vivi and gamei =) way to go girls

cheers.....with love lisa =)

p3rF0rmNanC3! ! ! wEnT welL

lol.....cant wake up today...luckily was not late 4clas...ahhahahaha....the memorization of the french song so damn tiring leh....

went out early from cost n accounting class to practice on our song later....hahaha,funny,v were at the annexe there discussing on which formation is the best and not so weird lo0king.....

enjoyed myself up there and we were dancing all the way....and i was not that nervous but in the end still forget some of the

but then,mi ah, sayang la that you were not there to watch, i mean this is the first time i am performing on stage... i mean this is the first time.....hahahahaha.....i am so going to take te video from some one and show it to you mum and dad........i was practically dancing......hahahahah....had fun thought.....

=) oh and THANKS tiff for being;s was really a relief.....and thanks to all of our group1 and 2 for suporting us......

=D cheers~ lisa

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

OMG! ! !

Wanted to pass the printed notes to ah qi so went to college a little earlier.....went to the chinese stall there and have a small talk with her......i mean i haven't really sit down and talk to her after so long.....too ad my class start at 9.30am so can only talk to her for halh and hour.....hehehe,belanja her breakfast because i screw up her printing....hehe,long story,you know wat am i talking about de la ah qi....heheheeh....

Then halfway through the french class suddenly got the fire drill ANNOYING and TROUBLESOME.... ya, i know this will save life as we will know what to do IF in CASE there is REALLY a FIRE! ! ! but then the whole thing is so messy and so luan ah...

hahahaha.....then we went back to class and MR. yeah BC annouonced that we are really GOING to PERFORM our french song.....ON FRIDAY! ! ! IN THE COURTYARD! ! ! me, gamei,vivi, eileen and mag was lilke @.@......OMG! ! ! some more it will be during lunch time and you know la how courtyard looks like when it is lunch time! ! !

haiz!!!!!!!!!! later at 4pm want to go back college to practice the song......someone...PLZ SAVE OUR ASSESS! ! ! ! ! !

WISH US LUCK....we seriously need all the luck we can have....